Who looks forward to a job interview? Very few of us. Being interviewed is a daunting experience. From my experience the reality is that many candidates do not give themselves the best opportunity to perform well.
Often, they tell me that it has been a few years since they have had their last interview. They wait until they are called for interview which limits the time that they need to prepare.
Already they are putting themselves on the back foot.
Why interview skills are important ?
How many times are you likely to be interviewed in your career? Between getting on the career ladder and changing roles, you will be interviewed multiple times. It becomes less a question of if you will have an interview, but when you will be interviewed. If you are someone who is totally invested in your career development, then becoming better at job interviews is a skill you need to develop.
If being interviewed is a process that you feel you could be better at, then it makes sense to engage and interview skills coach to assist you. The good news is that with the right advice and the right interview coaching support, you can learn to perform better and give yourself the best chance of being successful. Here are 5 benefits of engaging a good interview coach.
1 An investment in a skill that can get you promoted.
Investing in getting better at a skill that may determine how far your career develops, seems obvious. It is an investment that can pay dividends. It can help you get the job that you have been after. Perhaps a role that gives you more responsibility, the opportunity to develop new skills and maybe and increase in salary and benefits. It makes sense that if you are going to face multiple interviews throughout your career, engaging the services of an experienced skills coach is an investment in you and your future career. Interviews are an opportunity to take a step forward in your career. We do not want to miss that opportunity.
2. Benefit from a personalised training programme tailored to your needs:
A good interview skills trainer or coach will develop a personalised programme that is tailored to your needs. They will identify your strengths and the areas that you need to focus on specifically for the role that you are applying for. They will work with you on a one to one basis preparing your examples, providing individual feedback that will lift your performance and give you confidence going into the interview that you have done all you can to give your best possible performance.
3.Help you understand what the employer is looking for:
Based on the type of interview you will face be that a structural, competency-based or strengths based interview, an interview skills coach will have an idea what the employer is looking for. They will anticipate the type of interview that you may face, or the type of interview questions you may be asked.
They will help you analyse the role job descriptions and personal specification to identify what the employer is looking for. They will review Competency Frameworks if appropriate, to identify role specific technical or behavioural requirements to help you shape your answers.
4. Provide you with tips and techniques to make your preparation more efficient and effective:
A quote from a recent client who was successful.” This was an invaluable learning experience in how to get prepared for competency-based interviews. I really had no idea how to prepare properly”
Many candidates preparing for interviewed tend not to know how to prepare properly. They simply underestimate what it takes to analyse the job they are applying for and create responses that meet the needs of the interview panel
An interview skills coach will help you develop your examples providing you with a good structure to work up your examples using a STAR or SBO models if appropriate. These will help you structure your examples and map them against each of the competencies to be tested
Your coach will review and refine your responses to ensure your examples match what the panel are looking for.
If an unseen presentation is part of the selection process, they will work with you to give you tips and techniques on how to tackle this challenge. They will show you how to prepare, structure and deliver a presentation under a tight timeline.
Understanding how to prepare efficiently and effectively is half the battle to putting yourself in a position to perform well.
5: You will gain confidence and overcome nerves
Being a little nervous going into an interview is good. It shows that this matters to you. Being so nervous that it impacts our performance is not good.
By showing how to rehearse properly, an interview skills coach will help you overcome nerves, and help you deliver your best performance.
By going through a mock interview, you can refine the quality of your responses. By using video and playback you will see how you come across, how well you speak, how your body language and hands help or hinder your performance. By working on your technique your performance will grow and you come across with confidence and impact.
Should I invest in interview skills coach?
No interview skills coach will guarantee you that you will be successful in your next interview, but they can guarantee that with the right preparation you can learn how to dramatically improve your next interview performance and give yourself the best chance of getting that job. If you are someone who has aspirations of going further in your career, perhaps it is worth considering in investing in an interview skills coach.
For more interview tips contact us at: https://marcommtraining.com/resources
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