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The Power of Non-Verbal Communication: 6 Steps To Improving Non-Verbal Communication In The Workplace
When we think of great communicators, we think of great speakers and their ability to command an audience. While words matter, research shows that much of our communication is non-verbal.13 Feb 02 -
Investment Pitch: 12 Key Tips for a Compelling Pitch
The investment pitch is a tipping moment in the development of a business. Get it right, and you can be on the path to taking your business to the next level; get it wrong, and your business idea could be set back years.04 Jul 07 -
Mastering the Art of the Elevator Pitch
Imagine this scenario: You've just left a meeting with a client. As you enter the elevator, someone calls, “Wait, hold it, please!” You hold the elevator door open with your notebook and, in steps, a potential client you've been eager to speak with for a long time. He asks you what your new company does. You open your mouth, then pause... where on earth do you start?05 Jun 06 -
Seven common mistakes candidates make when preparing for a job interview
Everyone can learn to perform better in a job interview. It is true! Everyone can perform better in front of the panel with the proper knowledge and the right preparation.26 Apr 04 -
Three tips to avoid saying “Um,” “Ah,” and “You Know” when presenting
We have all been there. You have worked hard on the slides and practised out loud, so this presentation should be straightforward. However, and as your talk progresses, you start to become aware that you are introducing the dreaded fillers, “Um,” “Ah,” and “You Know,” as you try to figure out what to say next. Your confidence drops, and your presentation doesn’t quite flow as planned.26 Mar 03 -
Seven steps to communicating more effectively on camera
26 Jan 01 -
Knowing how to handle Q&As effectively can make or break your presentation.
You prepared well, rehearsed well, and you delivered your presentation well. The facilitator invites questions from the audience. Now, you are feeling a little out of your comfort zone. What if I get asked about something I have not anticipated or get a question to which I don’t know the answer?18 Dec 12 -
Reflections on 20 years in training and coaching with Marcomm founder Una McSorley
This month marks 20 years in business for Marcomm, a training and coaching business established by Una McSorley. We asked Una for her personal reflections on two decades of helping clients to communicate better.08 Nov 11 -
The Power of Feedback: The Dos and Don’ts.
25 Sep 09 -
Download our Free Communications Guide
22 Aug 08 -
Unleash the power of body language to enhance your next presentation
When it comes to effective presentations, words alone are not enough. The power of body language can significantly impact how your message is received and interpreted by your audience.07 Aug 08 -
Mastering the Art of Storytelling in Presentations
Storytelling has always held a special place when it comes to communication. We will delve into the art of storytelling when presenting and explore techniques to help you become a master storyteller, leaving a lasting impact on your audience.18 Jul 07 -
Developing a personal brand
Why does developing a personal brand really matter?21 Mar 03 -
Dealing with change – what is your mindset?
08 Feb 02 -
What is personal impact and can I develop mine?
By understanding what Personal Impact is and you can begin to work on elements that will help you come across as someone with presence.- leadership-development
19 Jan 01 -
Post Maternity Leave Tips - Managing Boundaries for Work/Home Balance
Four tips to help return to work mums better manage their work-home balance.06 Dec 12 -
Post Maternity Leave Tips - Requesting a Change in Working Hours
How to use Susan Scott’s 7 Step Model to start that conversation.06 Dec 12 -
Failing to deal with this simple question can ruin your interview.
- career-development
19 Oct 10 -
How to manage a difficult conversation ?
Putting off difficult conversations won’t make the problem disappear. This seven-step model will be able to help you have a constructive conversation.- career-development
- leadership-development
27 Apr 04 -
Are you listening…really listening?
Become an effective listener so you hear and understand with this guide to the three levels of listening and our top tips.- career-development
- leadership-development
22 Mar 03 -
Improve your communication skills with these 4 questions.
Here are four types of questions that you probably use already, but used the right way and at the right time can really develop your essential communications skills.- career-development
- leadership-development
14 Feb 02 -
How to prepare examples for a Competency Based Interview
Competency Based Interviews also known as structured or behavioural interviews, are designed to test a specific skill or competency. When you find yourself called for a CBI, how do you prepare to give yourself the best chance of performing well?- career-development
04 Jun 06 -
5 benefits of hiring an interview skills coach
How many times are you likely to be interviewed in your career? Between getting on the career ladder and changing roles, you will be interviewed multiple times. It becomes less a question of if you will have an interview, but when you will be interviewed. If you are someone who is totally invested in your career development, then becoming better at job interviews is a skill you need to develop.- career-development
28 Apr 04 -
5 essential interview skills you need and how to improve them
Who looks forward to a job interview? Very few of us. Like many, the thought of a job interview fills you with dread. Perhaps your last interview didn’t go the way you have planned. The questions you anticipated didn’t come up. You couldn’t recall the right example at the right time. You didn’t come across as confident and in control. Sound familiar?- career-development
19 Mar 03 -
Communicating Through Uncertainty - 7 Steps For Success
Communication is crucial in these challenging and unusual times. Businesses can't afford to get it wrong when they are already facing their toughest test yet. As we adapt to and learn new ways of working, here are 7 practical steps that you can take in order to motivate, engage and lead your people through these times of change.- leadership-development
24 Nov 11 -
4 questions to ask to help your presentation skills training
Do you still get nervous when delivering an important presentation in the workplace? You aren’t alone! In fact, some research suggests that a fear of public speaking is the most common phobia in the world, affecting more than 7 in 10 people.- pitching-and-presentation-skills
24 Nov 11 -
Body language tips when presenting
Body language is central to a presentation’s success and can make the difference between a dynamic delivery and a dull one. In fact, studies have shown that only 7% of what we say comes from the words themselves, with 93% being communicated through visuals and tone of voice.- pitching-and-presentation-skills
24 Nov 11 -
How to be more resilient
There never has been a time when we have needed resilience more than right now. With stress levels through the roof, the ability to not give up, not quit, to stick with it is easier said than done. Right now we need to work on our resilience.- leadership-development
19 Nov 11 -
7 tips for improving your virtual business pitch:
As a businessperson or an entrepreneur, being able to pitch or present your business idea is a core skill. Whether it is a presentation in front of potential investors or a 30 second elevator pitch to someone you want to connect with, it is important that you know how to do it well.- pitching-and-presentation-skills
19 Oct 10 -
"Effortless delivery takes real effort" How to rehearse better for your next presentation.
A good presentation can make a career, creating a strong impression with the right people. A poor presentation can do the very opposite. Good leaders are generally good communicators and great presenters.- pitching-and-presentation-skills
17 Sep 09 -
The Power of a Career Journal
Starting your preparation when the job ad appears may already be too late if you are serious about your career progression. There is a better way and that is where a career journal can help.- career-development
10 Aug 08 -
Time for a career change - Where do I start?
Have you ever thought what is it that I really want for myself in my career or personal life. Perhaps you realise that you are no longer fulfilled by your job. The thought of doing this for the rest of your career fills you with dread. Something needs to change.- career-development
08 Jul 07 -
Never waste a will you use yours?
A crisis can teach us a lot about ourselves. We may have surprised ourselves with our ability to adapt, solve problems or deal with change. We may have discovered that we are more resilient than we thought. A crisis can also be an opportunity. An opportunity to take stock, reset and rebuild something new. Perhaps something new and better.- leadership-development
14 May 05 -
Developing and Maintaining your Employment portfolio
An Employment Portfolio has many purposes and here are a few to help remind you of its value and importance.- career-development
31 Jan 01 -
Making the transition from Peer to Manager
The first promotion to a leadership position is perhaps one of the most challenging anyone will ever face... New managers often have little knowledge and experience of how to lead and manage a team.- leadership-development
31 Jan 01 -
Guidelines for Completing Competency Based Application Forms
Competency based application forms are designed to help you to present relevant evidence in order that decision makers can evaluate how well you ‘fit’ the requirements of a particular role.- career-development
31 Jan 01 -
Interview Hints and Tips
Being interviewed is a daunting experience for most of us. Dealing with a pressure situation when something important to our career is on the line can be an intimidating experience, but with the right preparation, everyone can learn to perform better at interviews- career-development
- leadership-development
31 Jan 01