Every business entrepreneur reaches a point where new funding is required. You may need additional capital for many purposes from a wide range of sources, but whatever the requirement, you will likely have to convince an investor to part with their money and back your business idea. The investment pitch is a tipping moment in the development of a business. Get it right, and you can be on the path to taking your business to the next level; get it wrong, and your business idea could be set back years.

As someone who has coached many business owners to enhance their presentation skills and deliver a compelling investment pitch, several basic rules will help you get it right. Much like an elevator pitch, an investment pitch must be concise, captivating, and clear. However, it delves deeper into your business model, market potential, and financial projections. This guide will help you craft a persuasive investment pitch that captures the interest of potential investors.

Dragons Den

What is an Investment Pitch?

Imagine you’ve scheduled a meeting with a group of potential investors. You have limited time to convince them that your business is worth their investment. You aim to leave them intrigued, confident in your vision, and eager to learn more. This is where an investment pitch comes into play. Investment pitches are not just about presenting facts; they are about telling a story that showcases the potential of your business. Whether you pitch at a formal event or in a casual setting, your pitch must be polished and well-prepared. An effective investment pitch can open doors to funding, partnerships, and invaluable mentorship. It is your opportunity to demonstrate why your business is a worthwhile investment and to establish credibility with potential investors.

12 steps to delivering a great investment pitch:

Creating a compelling investment pitch involves several key steps.

1: Understand Your Objective:

Start by defining the primary goal of your pitch. Are you seeking seed funding, series A investment (the next stage after seed funding) or strategic partnerships? Your objective will shape the content and focus of your presentation.

For example, If you're looking for seed funding to develop a new tech product, your objective might be to secure enough capital to complete product development and initial market testing.

2: Know Your Audience:

Tailor your pitch to your audience. Different investors have different interests and criteria. Research your potential investors' focus areas, investment history, and preferences.

For example, If your audience includes venture capitalists specialising in tech startups, highlight your product’s innovative aspects and market potential


3: Start with a Hook:

Capture attention from the beginning with a compelling hook. This could be a startling statistic, a provocative question, or a powerful anecdote related to your business.

For example: “Did you know that over 60% of small businesses fail due to poor cash flow management? Our software can reduce that risk by 40%.

4: Highlight Team Skills:

Briefly introduce yourself and your team. Highlight your relevant experience and the unique strengths each team member brings to the table. It is vital that everyone there has a role that adds value to the pitch.

For example: “I’m John Smith, founder of Marcomm Fin Tech Solutions, with over 15 years of experience in financial technology. Our team here today includes people with skills in software development, financial analysis, and marketing.”

5: Explain the Problem:

Clearly articulate the problem your business addresses. Use data and real-world examples to make the situation relatable and urgent.

For example: “Small businesses struggle with managing their finances effectively, leading to cash flow issues and high failure rates. Current solutions are either too complex or expensive for many small businesses.”

6: Present Your Solution:

Describe your product or service and how it solves the problem. Focus on the unique features and benefits that set your solution apart from the competition.

For example: “Our software offers an intuitive, affordable platform that automates financial management tasks, providing small business owners with real-time insights and actionable recommendations.”


7: Highlight Market Opportunity:

Provide an overview of your target market, including size, growth potential, and critical trends. Demonstrate that there is a significant and growing demand for your solution.

For example: “The small business software market is projected to grow to £10 billion by 2025. With over 6 million small businesses in the UK alone, the demand for efficient financial management solutions is immense.”

8: Outline Your Business Model:

Explain how your business will make money. Discuss your pricing strategy, sales channels, and revenue streams.

For example: “We operate on a subscription-based model, offering tiered pricing to cater to businesses of different sizes. Additional revenue streams include premium features and financial advisory services.”

9: Demonstrate evidence of success:

Share any significant achievements or milestones your business has reached. This could include user growth, revenue, partnerships, or product development progress.

For example: “Since launching our beta version six months ago, we’ve onboarded 500 users and achieved a monthly revenue growth rate of 20%.”

10: Present Financial Projections:

Provide realistic and detailed financial projections. Include revenue forecasts, expense estimates, and profitability timelines. Be prepared to explain the assumptions behind your numbers. This is where many pitches come unstuck; their implementation plans are highly optimistic or not adequately thought out and don’t stand up to rigorous scrutiny from savvy investors.

For example: “We project revenues of £1 million in the first year, growing to £3 million by year three. We anticipate our break-even point to be within 18 months.”

11: Describe Your Funding Needs:

Clearly state how much funding you are seeking and what you will use it for. Break down the allocation of funds to show how they will drive growth and add value to the business.

For example: “We seek £500,000 to expand our development team, enhance our marketing efforts, and scale our customer support operations.”

12: Include a Call to Action:

End with a solid call to action. Specify what you want from the investors and how they can get involved. Invite them to ask questions and discuss the next steps.

For example: “We invite you to join us in revolutionising financial management for small businesses. We welcome a follow-up meeting to discuss how we can collaborate and take Marcomm FinTech Solutions to the next level.”

Practice and Refine

Practice your pitch until it feels natural and confident. Rehearse with colleagues, mentors, or friends and seek their feedback. Refine your pitch based on their input and be prepared to adapt it for different audiences or settings.

Engaging Your Audience Post-Pitch

After delivering your pitch, be ready to engage in a detailed discussion. Answer questions clearly and confidently and be open to feedback. Use this opportunity to build a rapport with potential investors and demonstrate your commitment to your business.

To summarise, delivering a compelling investment pitch is essential for attracting funding and supporting your business's growth. By understanding your objective, knowing your audience, clearly articulating the problem and solution, and providing compelling financial projections, you can create a pitch that resonates with investors and opens doors to new opportunities. Take the time to develop and practice your pitch, and be prepared to seize the moment when it comes. Good luck!

Investment Pitch FAQs

Here are some responses to frequently asked questions, but if you can’t find what you're looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us at Marcomm Training.

What is the purpose of a pitch?

The purpose of a pitch encompasses several key areas:

  1. Communication of your Value Proposition: A pitch is essential for clearly communicating the unique benefits of a product, service, or idea to potential customers or investors. It highlights what sets your offering apart and why it is advantageous.

  2. Engagement and Interest: Effective pitches quickly capture the investor's interest, engaging them and prompting them to want to learn more. This is vital in a competitive environment where we want to create interest in follow-up actions.

  3. Building Relationships: Mastering pitching skills is essential for networking effectively and connecting with key players in the industry.

  4. Fundraising and Additional Business: Many pitches aim to secure funding or generate more business. A well-delivered pitch can significantly impact closing deals or obtaining financial support for projects.

How do you develop an investor pitch deck?

  1. Keep it concise; typically, 10-15 slides for a pitch deck.

  2. Cover slide: Include your company name, logo, and tagline.

  3. Problem: Clearly define the issue your business addresses.

  4. Solution: Explain your product or service and how it solves the problem.

  5. Market opportunity: Present the size and potential of your target market.

  6. Business model: Outline how you'll generate revenue.

  7. Competition: Analyse your competitors and highlight your unique advantages.

  8. Traction: Showcase any existing customers, partnerships, or milestones.

  9. Marketing strategy: Explain how you'll acquire and retain customers.

  10. Financials: Present your projections, key metrics, and funding requirements.

  11. Use of funds: Specify how you'll utilise the investment.

  12. Exit strategy: Outline potential exit scenarios for investors.

  13. Keep each slide focused, visually appealing, and easy to understand. Use concise bullet points and compelling visuals. Ensure your deck tells a cohesive story about your business opportunity.

At Marcomm Training, we enable business professionals to communicate effectively, build strategic relationships, and achieve their goals through successful pitching.